Solar inngår samarbeid med Logic Group i Norge
November 12, 2019
Solars subsidiary in Norway has recently completed a sales agreement with the Danish company Logic Group. The deal paves the way for Solar Norge to sell and market Logic Group's "Smart Home" and "Smart Office" products.
Interest in intelligent home and business solutions is in a strong growth phase, gaining ground in the field of new construction as well as in the renovation of existing structures. It is therefore essential for a company like Logic Group that their products are represented in Norway by one of the heavyweights in the professional electrical goods market.
"It is a true seal of approval of the products and designs we provide in the market that such an important player in the professional market has chosen to include our products in their portfolio,” says Jesper Ib Paulsen, Partner-Director at Logic Group.
Logic Group's great expertise in the smart home and smart office business has led to the development of a product range that excels in quality, security and functionality. Logic Group's products are based on the open Z-Wave protocol, which allows for products from various manufacturers to be linked so that all components, regardless of manufacturer, can be controlled by the same app, web interface or remote control. Another advantage for the consumers is the wide selection of components and solutions for any imaginable security, control or automation need.
"Solar is always looking for the best solutions for our customers, therefore it’s key to cooperate with the front runners in the industry. Logic is an innovative company that combines quality and innovative solutions in a unique way that fits our markets well”, says Thomas Skovli, Director Business Development & Special Sales at Solar Norge.
"Logic Group's great potential and range of products that communicate wirelessly with other products has brought the company to the attention of potential partners and new investors. There is every reason to be optimistic about exports to our northern neighbors," stresses Jesper Ib Paulsen from Logic Group.
For further information:
Partner-Director, Logic Group
Jesper Ib Paulsen
mobile +45 30 46 30 31
Director Business Development & Special Sales, Solar Norge
Thomas Skovli
Mobile 92 61 82 29
Logic Group
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